What is Composite Bonding
Composite veneers or Composite bonding are thin layers of resin that cover the tooth. This material can be moulded directly onto the tooth, allowing for a healthier, natural and more beautiful smile. The procedure can be performed in one or more sessions, depending on the number of teeth to be treated. Composite veneers are a popular choice for patients who have chipped or uneven teeth, or gaps between their teeth. It is a quick, minimally invasive and inexpensive option for a beautiful smile. Composite veneers last between three to 5 years.
Learn more about Composite Bonding
- Composite veneers and porcelain veneers: If you have composite veneers, you are more likely able to return to natural teeth since the composite is molded to your teeth. With porcelain veneers, probably not since the process involved removing some tooth enamel to create a surface to attach the veneers.
- Do your teeth get shaved down for composite veneers: If you need to have your teeth shaved, we’ll need to shave off around 0.5mm of your tooth’s enamel. Composite veneers often require less shaving, so you’ll need less prep work if composite veneers are a good choice for you.
- Is it hard to eat with composite veneers: Eating with veneers will be similar to eating with natural teeth. But with certain hard foods you should eat with your back teeth and should avoid using excessive force.
- What will happened to the composite veneers after 5 years: After five years, you may notice some normal wear and tear, but with proper care and maintenance, your bonded teeth can continue to look beautiful and functional.
- Can I bite into hard food with composite veneers: While veneers are sturdy, biting directly into hard or crunchy foods like apples can create stress on the veneer and the underlying tooth. It’s recommended to exercise in moderation and use your back teeth for biting into such foods.
- Can I eat curry with composite veneers: You should avoid dark food and drink, especially curry, for 2 days after fitting, as the composite takes 2 days to fully cure.
- Is an electric tooth brush is ok with composite veneers: Using an electric toothbrush with soft bristles is highly recommended as the pressure you exert while brushing your teeth is better controlled. This means effective cleaning of your teeth and veneers but less pressure on your gums.